Beaver Removal in Central Mountains

A beaver setting up shop on your lake or on a river passing through your property can be a monumental hassle and financial disaster, as they can cause damages on a scale unlike almost any other animal. Our AAAC Wildlife Removal pros are here to help you evict your beavers, clean up the mess, and repair the damage. Beaver control and removal should be initiated as soon as the animal has been discovered living in the area. Call now for a consultation!

Man sitting next to a cage with beaver inside
Dean posing by his truck with a trapped Beaver

A couple of fallen trees here and there on your property aren’t always a reason to worry. But you may start to notice small branches cut at a sharp angle, debarked wood near the water, or gnaw marks on trees you’ve noticed the first signs of a beaver. If you don’t intervene at this point, soon you’ll find whole trees felled and the water has risen a few feet. There’s little question that you have a beaver.

Beavers will also create trails and visible gaps in the bank where they pass to and fro between the water and the woods. Eventually, you will find a lodge and a dam, which can be a nightmare for property owners.

Beaver Dams

Beavers are nature’s engineers. They are second only to humans in their ability to significantly alter habitats. The rising water levels can flood large areas, including agricultural lands, parks and forests. The flooding can even effectively block roadways. Beaver dams can even prevent migrating fish from traveling to their spawning grounds and cause flooding and siltation of habitats for other animals and plants in the area.

Beavers Gnawing all the Trees

Beavers are movers and shakers. Because they gain both nutrition and shelter from the trees they gnaw and fell, and because they are rodents and must constantly chew to wear down their teeth, their main mode of operation is to chew up your whole forest.

Beavers will go as far as 100 feet from the water to get quality wood. They’ll pick the newer growths first, based on the amount of nutrition they can get versus the effort involved in cutting down the tree. But if they are allowed to stay long enough, they will eventually take down the bigger and older trees.

Beaver Trapping and Removal

Beaver control and removal should only be attempted by people who understand this animal and the laws concerning beaver control and removal. Trapping a beaver or beavers humanely is important to prevent injury to the animal. Getting rid of a beaver is a process that should be carried out with proper planning and procedures.

Capturing a beaver is also a potentially dangerous situation, as it can involve going on the dams and handling specialised or heavy equipment. Untrained persons should not attempt to remove a beaver. Call the professionals at AAAC Wildlife Removal for immediate assistance.

Get rid of beavers the right way before the problem gets out of control!

Cleanup and Dissuasion

Once your wildlife technician removes the beavers, you need to make sure that new beavers won’t be tempted to use the ready-made infrastructure. The dams and lodges must be completely destroyed by professionals licensed to use the proper equipment.

Our friendly AAAC Wildlife Removal specialists can give you appropriate recommendations so you don’t have to worry about your furry friends making a repeat visit!

Dean Grose

I am passionate about helping my friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give me a call!

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  • Bird B Gone Certified Installer
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  • Certified Wildlife Pro

We proudly serve Colorado's Central Mountains

Counties: Jefferson, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin

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Great company! Great service! Thankful they got here so quick. Would highly recommend! ...
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Incredible professionals who are experts in trapping and removing wildlife. We have been in the “...
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